Operating System & 3rd Party Code

Spectrometer as a Sensor – which means to create small, powerful sensors which can fit directly at the measurement spot or into the machine situated where access and monitoring by personnel are rarely possible. Such a system, in contrast to a desktop based PC-system, doesn’t necessarily need a direct adapted Man-Machine Interface or complex user interface, but powerful data processing and communication capabilities.
To coordinate and fulfil all the jobs for data accumulation, data processing, monitoring the infrastructure and communication to the outside world a highly specialized operating system [OS] is essential. Such an OS is found in the embedded world, for example the embOS from Segger.

"This OS is a priority-controlled real time operating system, designed to be used as foundation for the development of embedded real-time applications. It is a zero interrupt latency, high-performance RTOS that has been optimized for minimum memory consumption in both RAM and ROM, as well as high speed and versatility." [segger.com]
Third-party code is something necessary to fulfill all functional requirements and is not new in the PC-based programming. But, because safety and security becomes more and more a focus in the world of Industry 4.0 and Internet of things, the selection, evaluation and validation is a big topic these days. Additionally, closed source versus open source and the license type have to be carefully considered.
For example, mbed™ TLS from ARM® is a good choice for encryption and SSL/TLS capabilities and has a license which gives you the freedom to use in your products.

"mbed™ TLS [formerly known as PolarSSL] makes it trivially easy for developers to include cryptographic and SSL/TLS capabilities in their [embedded] products, facilitating this functionality with a minimal coding footprint."

For further product-information please click here, or if you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us: embedded@tec5.com